Tera Guide – How To Be DPSing In Mystic?

If you and your team have already mastered all dungeon mechanics and done multiple clears the normal way. Ideally, you should have ambush armor first. So after my team learned all the mechanics on RMHM and stopped getting hit and dying, especially since we had a priest with us too, I decided to DPS with my mystic to speed up the runs. Later I found that even without a priest, this can be really viable in any 417 dungeon where everyone knows the mechanics well and so you can afford to be DPSing most of the time.

I put double enraged, 6% damage, and CDR. For crystals: bitter, savage, focused, carving. Maybe you will use forceful instead of carving.

I only glyphed casting speed and HP/MP for resurrecting, since my team dies very infrequently. For now, I just glyphed self-vow and CDR. I also removed the endurance debuff from a volley of curses, since the priest’s plague is better and they don’t stack.(Alternatively, you can remove the 10% endurance buff from the thrall of protection, as it is rather unnecessary with the current console dungeon buffs.)

With these glyph point savings, now I glyphed metamorphic blast and smite damage and CDR.

I have all ambush with blue power innerwear. I still run HP/HP on my belt (in RMHM) since the extra power from ambush makes it worth it vs. a guile belt with crit/power etc. But maybe if you have a secondary ambush belt you could put crit/crit there or whatever.

I just have the tier 2 energetic on gloves and wrap, then grounded tier 2 on boots and armor, like normal.

Attack Rotation
Stand right behind the melee DPS players and start off by spamming metamorphic blast until both it and metamorphic smite are on cooldown — the sign of this is your character will be standing motionless even though you are spamming the button. OK, now use boomerang pulse. Repeat this except use volley of curses or something else as necessary any time boomerang pulse is on cooldown.

The result of this I find is that my tank and melee DPS receives as much or more healing than they would if I just spammed titanic favor on all 4 players the whole time, due to the fact that boomerang pulse hits everyone twice and does as much healing as the titanic favor does on each hit.

Also since you are grouped so close with them, the thrill of life is sufficient to cleanse in most scenarios.

Positioning Tips
The DPS players need to position themselves exactly behind the boss to get in the path of the boomerang. However, in RMNM and RMHM, when the “donut” type AOEs hit, you the mystic need to clear out from behind the melee DPS so as not to body-block anyone trying to escape (especially warriors will complain otherwise).

I find that Noctenium Infusion makes a bigger increase in mystic compared to other classes. It seems to add 50% more damage a lot of the time, whereas on DPS classes you only get maybe 10% more damage. Maybe I am wrong about this but that is what it seemed like. However, mystic will use up Nocts much faster than other classes due to the fact that metamorphic blast can sometimes hit 5x or more per second and this uses a Noct on each hit. Note, however, I have seen this do 500k per hit of base damage when the boss was enraged, so this damage is not insignificant.

Bravery potion is also the best for mystic since attack speed is the limiting factor on DPS due to how short the CDs are on blast, smite, and VoC. Also, VOC’s animation is long so speeding up that is good.

In most 417s, you can also glyph out of thrall of healing and corruption ring, then use the points to glyph thrall of wrath for even more DPS.

Plus, I would definitely put up thrall of vengeance as often as possible. It gets placed about 10m in front of wherever you’re facing. Put it off to the side of most bosses and it won’t get touched, it will just sit there and add its tiny bit more DPS.

If you want to complete your DPS as soon as possible, you can go to U4GM.com to buy Tera Gold before you really start your DPS challenge, everyone wants to get more money in TERA so that they can do more things that they would do, for example, finish all the DPS, that’s really cool.

TERA – What Will The Battling Bring To You?

Tera’s battling system is unique. It’s the first MMO to have, “True Action Combat.” When fighting you must make sure to be aware of your surroundings, dodge your enemies attacks, and line up your strikes. Also if you want to make sure you have all the best gear take advantage of our great deals as we are the best place to buy Tera Gold online.

Area of Effect
These attacks hit multiple enemies in a set area. Since you can’t point and aim your attacks like most MMO’s, the AoE attacks are done a bit differently. Melee characters will be launched forward a set distance before they strike a specific area. Another example is a melee character spinning in their current location while taking out all enemies near them. Long-Range characters will just unleash the skill on the location a set distance ahead of you. The skill will tell you the target zone. If you put your cursor over an enemy, NPC, another player, etc, it will tell you how far they are from your character.

Blocking keeps you right in the face of danger as you raise up your weapon to absorb the incoming damage. Hold the key/button as long as you want to leave your weapon out and block. Blocking, like most other skills, can’t be abused. It doesn’t have a cooldown but it does have a limit to how much damage you can block. Your weapon will tell you how much damage it can absorb before you start taking damage. If your weapon absorbs 1000 damage, and a monster does 1,200 damage to you, you will receive 200 damage after a successful block. If you continue to hold your weapon out to block, you will receive normal damage as if you weren’t blocking at all. This is done so people can’t abuse blocking. The only way to make you weapon start blocking again is to cancel your block (let go of your key/button) and do the skill over again. Only Lancers and Berserkers can pull off a block.

A buff will aid anyone who receives it while a debuff is an exact opposite. Buffs can speed up your character, raise your defense, give you extra MP, and much more. Buffs can be used to help yourself or your allies while debuffs are meant to cripple your foes. Every class has some type of buff or debuff. Buffs can even come from campfire charms or gathering materials.

When using melee-style combat, your attacks will strike in the direction your camera is facing. Even if your character is looking in a different direction. The only way to change this is to move and attack at the same time. If your enemies are clustered up together, you can hit all of them regardless of what skill or attack you use. It all depends on the size of your weapon. Berserkers have huge polearms with long wide strikes, so they will hit a lot of enemies at once with a basic attack. You can hit enemies behind you with a backswing as well. Even if you think you missed your opponent, there’s a chance your attack will still connect from your backswing.

Combos are done by linking your skills together for optimal damage. Tera has a combo system that can be set up from your skill menu. You can choose to link up to three skills in one combo. After doing the first skill in the combo, an indicator on your screen will pop up telling you the second part of your combo. If you push the key/button displayed in a reasonable time, you will immediately do that skill, and so on for the third part of the combo. Some skills come in pre-made combos.

Many of the skills in Tera can be charged for extra damage. Hold down the key/button to use the full extent of your power. Later skills will allow you to walk while charging your attack. If you over-charge it though, you will begin to take damage.

Dodging is used to quickly escape damage and punish your enemy with a counter-attack. All classes except the Lancers and Berserkers have some type of evasive maneuver.

All Long-Range classes have a special reticle in the middle of their screens. Similar to a third person shooter, these classes must aim every shot they take. It doesn’t matter which way they run, face, or look because when they attack, it’s going to go where their camera is focused. This can be very useful for dropping a few shots on your enemy while running circles around them.

Once you’re knocked down on the floor, use this skill to quickly jump up and do damage at the same time. This skill will hit everything close to you. It also has a very high chance of knocking down your enemies which will give you some breathing room. Every class learns this skill at level 12.

TERA: How To Craft Tensus T7 Endgame PvP Gear?

During this Tera: Fate of Arun, update, you can get Tier 7 endgame Tensus PvP weapons and armor which is the best PvP gear. Crafting T7 Tensus PvP gear is a lot easier than crafting the previous T6 endgame Renegade PvP gear. See below for more details. And enjoy the Tera Guides. And don’t forget to buy cheap Tera Gold on u4gm.com.

Previously you had to craft 2 levels of PvP gear just to get to Renegade or spend a lot of money to craft Renegade. You can craft Tensus gear without having to craft or buy any other lower level gear. Unlike the previous generation of endgame PvP gear, Tensus only has 1 design you can craft per gear item. There are 5 materials you need to craft each piece of Tier 7 endgame Tensus PvP weapons and armor: 1.Tensus Design 2. Patriation Mark 3. Noscible Mark 4. Inferno Metal 5. Crowning Laurel.

I have got all of my Crowning Laurels from opening Sea Chests so far. A friend of mine got a Crowning Laurel from opening Gridiron Superbrawl loot boxes. Supposedly Crowning Laurels drop from Kumas Toyboxes. But I think there was something wrong with this latest update since I have opened about 50 Kumas Toyboxes so far and nothing has dropped. A friend of mine opened 196 Kumas Toyboxes and did not get 1 Crowning Laurel. Until the drop rate changes for Kumas Toyboxes, I am staying away from farming Kumasylum for Crowning Laurels. Crowning Laurels are tradeable, so you can purchase them from the Trade Broker.

Inferno Metal must be crafted. You must first purchase the Infernal Metal Design at the Armorcrafting and Weaponcrafting design vendors. It does not matter which on you buy, they craft they same material. You can also buy the Infernal Metal Design at the Trade Broker. To craft 1 Inferno Metal you need 3 Inferno Ores and 5 Artisan Refining Kits. Inferno Ore loot drops from opening Sea Chests, Kumas Toyboxes and Gridiron Superbrawl boxes.

Inferno Ore also drops from dungeons. I have limited dungeons experience, have only done Asheron’s Inferno NM and Timescape NM. I got 1 Inferno Ore from each successful completion of each of those dungeons. Both Inferno Ore and Inferno Metal are tradeable, so you can also buy them both from the Trade Broker.

Noscible Marks and Patration Marks cannot be purchased with gold, nor can they be crafted. The only way to get Noscible and Patration Marks is to buy them from the PvP vendors with battleground credits. You purchase Patration Marks with “Bellicarium” credits from Surah, the Bellicarium Quartermaster. Patration Marks sell for 20k Bellicarium credits each. You purchase Noscible Marks with “Killing Spree” credits from Juleor, the Killing Spree Quartermaster. Noscible Marks cost 10k Killing Spree credits.

How To Craft Renegade PvP Gear In TERA?

On October 24th, 2014 EnMasse officially announced the upcoming new expansion – Fate of Arun. This expansion will include a brand new storyline and will increase the level cap to 65. With it comes new zones, new quests, new skills, gear and a completely new PVP battleground experience. This will be a free expansion.

Renegade is the top endgame PvP gear in Tera Fate of Arun. Renegade is the gear that the hardest hitting players use in Fraywind Canyon, Teams Champion’s Skyring and open world PvP. Besides hitting the hardest, of course, Renegade armor will also increase your defensive stats to the max possible in the game to make you less squishy.

There are two different Renegade gear designs. One Renegade design uses Defiance gear that was crafted from retooling Controvert gear. The other Renegade design uses “Crafted Defiance” gear to make. It does not matter which Renegade design you use, they both require the same materials, with the exception of the Defiance gear that I just mentioned. All Renegade gear designs require you to have a Weaponcrafting skill level of 400 to craft Renegade Weapons and an Armorcrafting skill level of 400 to craft Renegade Hands, Feet, and Chest.

Below are a couple of tables that list design ingredients needed to craft Renegade weapons and armor. The main ingredient in Ostatak Oil is Gods Tear. You get Gods Tear by farming Cobala Ore nodes. Gods Tear has a small chance to drop from the nodes. The main ingredient in Hijka Oil is Idyllic Leaf. You get Idyllic Leafs from farming Pilka Plants. Idyllic Leafs has a small change to drop from them.

You can only acquire them by purchasing the materials through the PvP vendors. You buy Learnkeel Marks with “Bellicarium” credits from Surah, the Bellicarium Quartermaster. You buy Threads of Rebellion from Juleor, the Killing Spree Quartermaster. Both vendors are located next to each other in the Valkyon Federation Headquarters, within Velika.

Then, these are all tips on how to Craft Renegade PvP Gear. Besides, we want to remind you that it’s time to buy Tera gold from U4GM, everyone needs more Tera gold can visit our website and get the gold with safe and fast service.

How To Buying, Selling and Trading EMP In TERA?

En Masse Entertainment, the creators of game. Tera have an in-game store in which you could buy many different types of items. Some of these items include mounts, costumes, weapon skins, fashion accessories and account items like Additional Character Slots. First to buy EMP directly and mass you have to log in go to Tera. Dot and mass comm account and sign in input you info login go to account settings click by EMP, you could pay with either credit card or PayPal. You can also buy EMP with in-game gold. Finally, you know I work for the U4GM Internet, so I want to recommend our Tera Service to all players – any of you want to buy Tera gold.

I show you how to purchase EMP from the Tera.EnMasse.com website using your account login and of course a credit card or Paypal account. After I take you in-game with a quick tour of the EMP store and how to buy items there. Something important I go over is after you purchase Tera Store items with EMP is where to find them in your user interface and how to put them in your bag.

You’re selection how much EMP you want to purchase. follow the on-screen instructions to purchase the MPA. I’m going to show you how you could trade EMP or buy EMP from somebody or sell it if you want to buy EMP from the Tera and mass web store with real money log into the game. If you’re already logged in, you might have to relock, then go to click on Tera store, your EMP should be listed, but not click refresh. If it still not listed, then wait about five minutes.

If it’s still not listed, contact hero tech support, you can just go through. All these tabs and see what you want to buy, then choose to purchase something, please get this item after you purchase something in about a minute. If it’s still not there wait five minutes and we log again. And if it’s still not there contact hero tech support, go on to the bite and selling of EMP. You’re just gonna role play and sell EMP to a friend of mine.

Once he tells you what you want just search through the EMP Tera store and find the item pathi carry die. It’s right you just click checkout purchase the item grab it from here, then it would be in your inventory. What is EMP 215 gold? click of them and click trade, then make sure they have what you want and lock the trade and that’s how you buy EMP you could be on either side, of course, you don’t have to sell, you could just buy.