How To Use Fortnite’s Port-a-Forts?

Port-a-Fort is an Epic consumable utility in Save the World. It was added in Patch 4.3. In the world of Fortnite, there really aren’t that many items that have a truly unique function. There are of course multiple damages dealing weapons, most of which have a few variations, many ways to heal and add shields and the three types of building materials. But currently, the Port-a-Fort is the only item that will build you a structure pretty much instantly.

On paper that sounds extremely useful, and at times it can be, but more times than not we see them being used to annoying squadmates instead of for any tactical reason. With one Port-a-Fort taking up an entire inventory slot this is pretty easy to justify, but even so, the possibilities offered by the massive fort you can have within a second often outweigh the cost. We have spent hours playing around with the Port-a-Fort trying to find the best way to use it, and this is what we have learned.

Don’t rely on a Port-a-Fort for all your building needs
Providing you have already figured out that changing your building hotkeys from the very strange default of F1-F5 is the best idea in the world, you should be at least somewhat competent when it comes to construction in the middle of a battle. Even if we ignore the build meta where high ground is everything, being able to quickly build some protection with your materials is the best way of playing, and thus relying on that Port-a-Fort you have in your pocket should really be a last resort.

Use the Port-a-Fort for a better tactical position, and not to save you in the middle of a fight unless you really have to. Placing it in a good location in the later stages will give you some solid protection and a good vantage point to pick off those remaining players. While quickly throwing it down in a fight will give you a structure that your opponent will instantly know how to destroy, and will leave you stranded at the top if you are against a duo or squad who know how to play together. Stick to the normal building for fights, and Port-a-Forts for better tactical positions.

Drop a Port-a-Fort on the high ground
As with most shooters, high ground is pretty important in the world of Fortnite. It gives you much better sightlines, makes enemies easier to spot and means that anyone that spots you is going to have to hit some good shots to bring you down. It really is something you should always be looking for, and that is even truer when you are looking for a good spot to lay down your Port-a-Fort.

If there is any kind of high ground in the later circles, which is when you want to be using the Port-a-Fort, your first task is to try and ascend it, and then once you have secured that higher ground, throw down your Port-a-Fort for an even bigger vertical advantage. Sure, it gives away your location, so if you would rather avoid fights this might not be the best idea, but if you are confident in winning a gun battle the high ground Port-a-Fort will give you a big advantage.

Plug the hole
Easily the most annoying thing that can happen when you are playing on top of a Port-a-Fort is that someone manages to sneak up behind you, comes in the door and suddenly is shotgunning you in the back from two feet away. You feel like an idiot for not noticing them, and they are probably styling you with a Take the L dance or two.

The best way to stop this from happening is actually super simple. Just build a floor at the top of the main tower of the Port-a-Fort. That way if someone does sneak in they will have to destroy that before they can come and fight you at the top, and hopefully that should give you enough of a warning to be ready to take the fight. This is such a simple thing to do, but it really will save your life a lot.

Rebuild the Port-a-Fort
If you spend ages building yourself a big old building and one of your panels get destroyed you are going to replace it providing you aren’t otherwise engaged in a gunfight. Now you would think that the same would go for a Port-a-Fort, but the amount of players that we see who simply leave a massive hole in the top of the Fort is far too high. If one of those panels is missing you leave yourself exposed by a surprising amount of angles, and it makes it really easy to fall down to the floor.

Just the simple act of rebuilding a destroyed part of the fort, even if you can’t do it perfectly on the corner but at least put a ramp there, will give you a lot more protection than having a gaping hole in the middle of your structure.

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How to Get Loot Quickly In Fortnite?

Fortnite Battle Royale has been turning heads for a number of months now, and the game’s player base continues to grow more and more with each passing day. With the player count constantly rising, we thought we’d put together a quick article to help all the new players get used to the frantic pace of Fortnite Battle Royale. If you want to know how to loot fast in Fortnite Battle Royale, then grab your pen, sit back, and let’s take some notes.

How to Loot Fast
We’ve already talked in-depth about some of the best places to find loot in Fortnite Battle Royale. While this article will talk about some locations on the map, it will mostly be focused on talking about quick strategies that you can use to loot up and get yourself a nice array of equipment early into the match.

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One clear way to loot up really quickly is to make sure you land up on the eastern side of the map, extremely far to the east. In this area, you should see an area called Loot Lake. Here you’ll find a massive settlement, where you’ll find gear and items that you can use to protect yourself. IT’s kind of a popular hot spot, though, so be prepared to fight off some enemies in the meantime.

The trick to looting quickly, and staying alive to tell the story, is to make sure you scan every corner as quickly as possible. This means you will want to spend less than a minute exploring each house that you enter, and in most cases, you’ll want to be in and out of a building in around 30-45 seconds. This will ensure you aren’t sitting around too long, which makes it harder for enemies to pinpoint your exact location.

If you’re playing in a group, make sure you split up when looting. While this may not seem like the safest option, being at least a building apart while looting will ensure you aren’t stealing each other’s equipment and having to worry about dropping it later on.

You’ll also want to keep an eye out for airdrops, which are equipment drops that spawn and parachute down into the world. These drops often contain some of the more powerful equipment in the game, and getting them can often be the difference between victory and death. Other players are often seen fighting over these drops, though, so we’d suggest moving in slowly and making sure the coast is clear before you just run up and start looting the area.

One of the quickest ways to loot up is to wait for players to make their way towards the new circle. When this happens, they’ll often be focused on the area ahead, and won’t see enemies coming up behind them. This is the perfect time to get some surprise fire off, and wound or kill them. Once that is done, you can rush up, grab their gear, and get to cover before anyone sees you.

At the end of the day, gearing up quickly in Fortnite is really more about RNG than anything. While you can do things, and land in certain areas to increase your chances, it really all comes down to how quickly you check over areas, how good the loot drops are, and whether or not you can take down a better-equipped player. But, if you learn how to check houses quickly, and are constantly on the lookout for loot, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue gearing up for the final battle.

Fortnite Battle Royale – The Best Place To Getting More Loot

Fortnite is the living, action building game using Unreal Engine 4 from Epic Games. You and your friends will lead a group of Heroes to reclaim and rebuild a homeland that has been left empty by mysterious darkness only known as “The Storm”. But, if you want to be one of the best places in the game, you’re going to need to know some of the best places to look for loot in Fortnite Battle Royale, and today we’re going to go over three of the best places to score yourself some sweet loot—like guns, melee weapons, and more.

Best Places to Loot in Battle Royale
Naturally, there are a lot of different places that players can look for loot in Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode, and while all of these places will feature- some kind of loot for players to find and equip, not all of them will feature some of the best weapons in Battle Royale—which is really what most players will be looking for. To help stem the learning curve, here are three of the best places to look for loot in Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode.

Fortnite Battle Royale has evolved quite a bit since the game’s release, and that means it is time to take a look back over our content and make sure we’re offering the most up to date information. That’s why we’ve brought some updates to our guides, and hope to help make sure you’re staying on top of your game.

Wailing Wood
Wailing Wood remains one of our favorite places to land in Fortnite Battle Royale, and it’s easily been one of our go-to places since launch. The area continues to offer plenty of loot for our fireteam, and while this section of the map has grown more popular throughout the past few months, it’s still got plenty to offer those who don’t enjoy dropping into the more highly populated areas. That being said, the loot isn’t as good as it once was, but players still have a chance to find plenty of weapons, items, and chests to open up for goodies.

On top of the buildings and searchable areas in Wailing Wood, players also have the option to loot a tower nearby that usually contains a chest full of goodies. This chest has been a lifesaver for us many times, and we’ll continue to trust in it until we have the reason not to.

Dusty Depot
This area is located smack dab in the middle of the map almost and it’s going to have quite a bit of conflict to be found. It’s still one of the absolute best places to get your hands on great loot, though, and the three main hangar-like warehouses usually have good weapons and items inside for players to loot. You can also destroy the ramps leading into them to create a defendable point if needed. There’s also a good chance you’ll find some chests in here to loot, which will increase your chances of getting more loot by quite a bit.

The biggest issue with Dusty Depot is the fact that the place is centrally located, making it a hot zone for players dropping in. It has access to some nice cities as well, which makes it even more appealing. If you want tense action from the start, though, this is one of the best places to start currently.

Salty Springs
Chests abound inside this resort-like area, and we’ve landed her with a full party of four multiple times. Not only is there plenty of loot around on the ground, but you’ll also find a slew of chests hidden within the attics of the different buildings in the area. Just make sure you’re listening out for the chiming noise they make when you’re looting. This area isn’t all that popular, but it has been known to be a hotspot depending on where the bus flies.

These are three of the best areas that you’ll find to loot in Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode, and for more Fortnite Tips And Guides, it is possible to take a look at Just a reminder: you can get 5% coupon code totally free from the reps if you get Fortnite Items or Weapons from this short article.

Survival Tips For Fortnite Battle Royale

Whether you’re new to Fortnite Battle Royale or just hoping to up your game, you’ll want to check out these tips to help you survive longer and keep the edge in a firefight. There are a growing number of battle royale-style games on the market, and Epic’s free-to-play Fortnite Battle Royale is second in popularity only to Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds.

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Land away from named locations (at first)
Just like in PUBG, there’s no training mode in which to learn the game’s mechanics, and the pre-match lobby lasts only a short while. You’ll need to do most of your learning during a live match. To start, try landing in secluded areas, where you can get comfortable with the controls before facing a fight. If you’re itching for an early combat encounter, go ahead and land at Tilted Towers.

If you’re playing on a PC, rebind a few keys (take your inventory off of the “I” key, for example) and get familiar with the crafting mechanics. This will also ensure that you don’t run into someone and get sent back to the lobby in the first minute of the match.

Hit the ground faster
During freefall, try to keep your character oriented at a slight angle downward rather than straight down, and wait until your glider deploys automatically. The goal is to come at your landing zone from a shallow angle, rather than straight at it. There should be a good distance between you and your desired location once your glider is open so that you drift horizontally toward it. If you try to descend downward with your glider instead, you’ll slow to a crawl and let faster players get to the guns before you.

The absolute quickest way to the ground, however, is to jump out over the ocean. Your glider deploys much later and much closer to the ground if you keep your character just next to the island while over the water. You can then go from glider to the ground in a couple of seconds once you get the hang of it, but you’ll be on the edge of the map and potentially far outside of the safe zone

Scope out a good place to land by opening your glider early
Alternatively, you can take a moment to glide above a location and determine how many other players are landing there. If you’re trying to avoid an early fight, this strategy will keep you from being sent back to the lobby prematurely. You may just get lucky and land in a dense town that no one else picked;opening your glider a little early will make it easy to determine that. You can always close it and open it again later if you want to land somewhere else.

Pick your battles
If you only have a pistol and you spot someone nearby with a sniper or a rocket launcher, don’t start picking a fight you can’t win. Lay low when you’re out-gunned or when you’re outnumbered in a team match. Even if you think you have the jump on the other player, you’re still playing against the odds when someone has full armor and a powerful weapon and you’re just swinging a pickax.

Reload only when necessary
This tip is good for any shooter. It’s a bad habit to reload every time after firing your gun. Pay attention to your remaining ammo rather than reflexively reloading so you can avoid getting caught defenseless during a reload. If you’re running around a corner after an enemy, it’s probably a bad time to reload. Ideally you should only reload when safe. You also don’t want to forget to reload and run dry during a firefight.

Listen for footsteps
The sound of footsteps will be your first line of defense against getting surprised by someone you didn’t see. You won’t be able to spot all of your enemies so make sure to keep an ear out while playing. If you like to listen to loud music, try turning it down or, better yet, turn it off. Use a good gaming headset to help locate where sounds are coming from.

Remember that it works both ways, other players will be listening for your footsteps. Moving slowly or walking while crouched will reduce the noise you make.

Don’t immediately kill downed enemies
While playing in Duo or Squads, players won’t immediately die when losing all of their life, and instead go into a downed state where they can’t fire back and must wait to be revived by a teammate. Many players will opt to finish the job and score the kill on downed players — don’t. That person is out of the fight and their teammates are likely aware of your location. Fire on a standing player or simply keep an eye out for other players.

Downed players can attract teammates who want to revive that person, potentially getting them out of cover or revealing their location. This goes double for you if your teammate is downed; try not to rush immediately to their aid.

Change your playstyle for Solo, Duo, and Squads
In Solo, you can afford to be more aggressive since no one will have any backup and no one can communicate your position to another person.

Duos require more patience since each player can relay what they know to their partner if the other is in trouble. Be aware of both team members’ positions before making any big moves.

Squads are very different as teams are often less coordinated than a pair of players, however, their numbers are less certain. When you see someone in Squads mode they can potentially be alone or have one, two or three other teammates with them. A person only goes into the downed crawling position when they have teammates still standing. If they instantly die, they were the last one on their team

Look for chests for better loot
Unlike in some other games in the genre, there’s a definitive way to get the best items in Fortnite. Guns and equipment are scattered inside buildings, but the real prizes are the treasure chests often located in buildings’ basements or attics. You’ll know one of these containers is nearby if you hear a faint angelic-choir sound. That’s when you need to take the pickax you landed with and bust down walls to find the loot.

Chests will drop weapons and items in groups of about three or four, which is better than finding things one at a time and increases your odds of locating higher-quality weapons.

Know your loot colors
The weapons in Fortnite Battle Royale are color-coded by quality level. The scale, from worst to best, goes in the order of grey, green, blue, purple and golden. Each tier increases the damage stat of the weapon by a differing amount depending on the weapon. Sniper rifles see the biggest damage increase, at 10 points from tier to tier, but other guns, like pistols, will gain as little as 1 point. Magazine size and firing rates do not change between loot tiers.

Keep your inventory free of junk
It can be tempting to just pick up every gun you come across, but the last thing you want to do during a busy firefight is stumbling through a clogged inventory of guns that have no ammo left and no traps you want to use. Keep two or three loaded guns of the highest quality you can find, a trap if you have one and one slot for healing items. And unless your shield is already completely full, you should never hang on to any shield potions. Drink ’em up!

Get familiar with crafting
Take time to familiarize yourself with the crafting system, because you’ll need to place walls or ramps in a hurry and sometimes while taking fire. Pressing Q on PC (B on Xbox, Circle on PS4) opens the crafting menu and shows an outline in front of you of what you can build. You can make walls, windowed walls, walls with doorways, ramps, and ceilings. The scroll wheel cycles through the structures you can build and right-click lets you select from the materials you have (wood, brick or metal).

Collect resources from just about any freestanding object in the game, be it a tree or a rock, a brick wall, or a parked car. Then, when stuff gets crazy, try dropping a wall or a ramp right in front of you to block bullets. Stronger materials last longer before breaking.

Know what to build and when
Plopping down a wall during a firefight can throw off your opponent’s aim and block a few bullets, but it won’t keep you safe. Take the split second you’ve earned to either reload or toss a grenade. And if you’re planning on making a fortress with all that metal you’ve collected, you should think again. Player-made structures make for obvious targets, and even metal walls break eventually. If want to hide (hey, I’m not judging you), it’s best to seek safe haven in pre-existing buildings and to close doors behind you.

Gain a height advantage
The first step to winning more shootouts is to gain the high ground over your opponent. That way, you’ll have an easier time scoring headshots, while your opponent will have a harder time hitting you at all. If you don’t already have the high ground, then you need to make it by building ramps. This will disguise your position, provide cover and give you a height advantage.

You shouldn’t fight out in the open too often, especially at a distance. Practice dropping walls and ramps, and building towers and bridges quickly, so you’re able to take these actions naturally while in combat. And don’t forget to collect enough resources along the way.

Learn to build towers quickly and effectively
Since gaining the high ground is so important, it’s equally important to get comfortable building towers quickly and efficiently to protect yourself and conserve materials. A tight corkscrew formation using ramps and walls will serve to conceal your position and gain a height advantage. Simply building a ramp is better than doing nothing, but it’s easily destroyed by gunfire. A tower made of walls and ramps takes too long to shoot down. Just be careful if the other player has a rocket launcher.

Use your camera to peek around corners
Fortnite Battle Royale is a third person game, so take full advantage of your camera’s abilities to peek around a corner without exposing yourself to other players. When placing down defensive walls or ramps during a firefight, make liberal use of the camera to spot your opponents. Try poking your head out briefly in one place to draw fire then moving to another while keeping them in view with your camera.

By the same token, take caution when approaching blind corners, especially when indoors and spaces you suspect to find other players. Someone could be watching and you’d never know.

Target a building’s weak spot to destroy it faster
An easy mechanic to overlook in Fortnite Battle Royale is the targeting system that pops up when you’re demolishing buildings or resources. Once you swing your pickax at something breakable, a blue circle will pop up. Aim your next strike at that circle, and whatever you’re swinging at will break apart more quickly. It’ll usually take three or four swings when done this way, but the task could take double that if you ignore the weak points.

Don’t ignore traps
In a constantly moving death-match shooter, a static floor-trap might not seem very useful, but it shouldn’t go ignored. Clever placement can net you some kills and the loot that comes with them. If a trap is placed on the other side of a closed door, at the top of stairs or behind a wall you’ve built yourself, it can be easier than you’d expect to catch a careless player unawares.

Check out the vending machines
Scattered across the map are approximately 40 vending machines, which will cycle through different rewards. Each machine will request wood, stone or metal as payment, and each machine will cycle through one of three things to buy, as displayed on the front. What’s on offer are three random guns, which could be from any of the game’s five quality tiers. The cost is 100 materials for gray, 200 for green, 300 for blue, 400 for purple and 500 for orange, with no hard limit on how many guns you can buy from a single machine. Guns drop with ammo.

Use launch pads to re-activate your glider
One of the floor “traps” you can pick up is a launch pad that, once placed, will send you high into the air and allow you to re-open your glider. This has many applications, from simply getting to a high location, to using the glider to cover horizontal distance quickly. A launch pad can be used by anyone, an infinite number of times, and can’t be picked back up once placed. So be careful about where you plop it down.

Use pulse grenades to jump farther
Pulse grenades are good for disorienting your opponents. Throwing one at their feet causes them to fly into the air, potentially taking lethal fall damage on the way back down. But they’re also useful when thrown at your own feet to propel you across short gaps, or to gain access to high places very quickly.

If you’re feeling bold, try riding a rocket
For the ultimate stylish form of transport in Fortnite, you can ride rockets fired from a rocket launcher. This can help you cover large distances quickly, or just surprise your foes. This tip might be more about style over substance, but it’s still good knowledge to have in a hectic situation.

The easiest way to do this is to have someone else fire a rocket horizontally in your direction, then just try to hop on top of it as it flies by. You can also ride remote-controlled rockets, and it’s entirely possible to ride your own rockets by turning them around, then canceling control as it gets near you. Then, you can jump on top of it at the last second. Just be aware that rockets don’t fly forever; they eventually explode.

What Are Players All-Time Favorite Headsets

Fortnite is a game of many sounds. Headset radio DJs and embittered fallen squadmates aside, audio cues in Fortnite are often of vital importance, and you’re going to want the best headset for Fortnite to hear them. Picking up on an enemy’s footsteps is in very real terms a life and death matter, and being able to communicate with your squad makes the game orders of magnitude easier. A good, reliable gaming headset is essential.

We’ve put together a selection of candidates that are all more than up to the job, occupying a range of prices but generally geared towards the more affordable end. Are you currently nonetheless gather cowhides to Buy Cheap Fortnite Items? Don waste your time and have enjoyable now! Purchase Weapons now at! This is a quick, cheap and secure location to get Materials, Traps, and weapons. The Currencies we are promoting is safe, as well as your account won’t be banned for real-world trading. We’ve got a huge number of pleased consumers! So what are you currently waiting for? Invest in Fortnite Items now at U4GM and let your dreams come correct!


Sennheiser GAME ONE
The best Fortnite headset you can buy

Amazing micGreat high-end clarityOpen backed design leaks soundPricier than other similar models

If you want the cat-like hearing, razor-sharp communication with squadmates and prolonged comfort while fighting to the death in Fortnite, Sennheiser’s ol’ reliable GAME ONE headset is the ideal pick. Headset microphones simply don’t get better than this, and the sheer size of this one lets you know it means business. It’s decent at noise-canceling though some keyboard and mouse noise will still filter through, and it’s worth it for the quality of your voice broadcasting. Friends often comment that we sound louder and clearer than usual whenever we use the GAME ONE.

The GAME ONE is a rarity in the gaming headset market in that it’s open-backed, which means it trades sound leakage both in and out of the headphones for a more spacious sound. Making a bit more noise through your headphones shouldn’t be a problem in Fortnite unless you’re in the habit of playing down in your local library, and the roomy soundscape is worth it. Picking out pockets of distant gunfire and not-so-distant footsteps is easy—and it might save your life.


Astro A10
Fantastic audio and build quality for under $100

Great valueTrademark construction quality mic weaker than the GAME ONETighter fit on larger ears
It turns out Astro can kick it with the budget players just as well as the high-end wireless crowd. This is the company’s first attempt at a low-cost gaming headset, taking its cues from the pricier A50, and it loses very little in the process—particularly if you’re after a no-nonsense Fortnite audio setup. The mic’s dependable if not the outright best of the group, and as with Sennheiser’s GAME ONE it’s always handy to be able to flip the boom up to mute yourself.

Meanwhile audio and build quality hit the mark very well for a sub-$100 headset, built to a sprightly 346g and well-padded. The earcups are quite a tight fit if you happen to be of the larger-eared persuasion, but that’s really the extent of the A10’s drawbacks. A pro-gaming staple brand, on a budget—perfect for your next jaunt in Dusty Depot.


Kingston HyperX Cloud Alpha
One of our all-time favorite headsets

Comfortable foreverBeefy but clear audioHandy inline controlsSeveral replaceable parts

The elder statesman of PC gaming headsets is back at its most regal with the latest Alpha incarnation of the HyperX Cloud. Unlike most alphas, it won’t tell you about its gym routine and macronutrient profile in painstaking detail, but it will make the Fortnite sound like the jamboree of explosive mirth it was intended to.

We love the generous padding, which seems to keep the headset feeling light as air indefinitely, and while we’ve never had problems with cable or mic connection breakages it’s reassuring this model features replaceable parts on both these fronts. As for the mic, an ample foam shield and smart noise cancellation keep your voice clear and pop-free even if you’re warning squadmates about a perp with a pump shotgun at Pleasant Park.


Corsair HS70
Wireless without the premium price

Amazing value long battery lifeHeadband digs in slightlyMic doesn’t stand out from the pack

If you want to go wireless with your Fortnite setup but don’t feel like spending much in doing so, say hello to your new friend. Corsair’s latest budget wireless model features up to 16 hours of battery charge and formidable audio quality without any niggling audio dropout that might have spoiled the party in older wireless headsets.

To get the negatives out of the way: yes, we found the headband a little uncomfortable after long sessions, but the time it takes for it to dig in exceeds our tolerance threshold for being demolished by strangers with Hunting Rifles anyway—so no biggie here. Although the mic isn’t quite on the same level as Sennheiser’s peerless GAME ONE, it’s nicely adjustable and offers more than adequate quality for keeping squadmates in check. It’s available in either black or white too, so aesthetes who want to match their headset with their rig are covered.


SteelSeries Arctic 7
Our favorite wireless headset

Market-leading sound qualityNeat and tidy retractable misfit can slacken overtimes pricier than other picks

We’ve said it many times: we really like the Arctic 7. For under $150 it brings you a hassle-free wireless setup with good battery life, an innovative headband design that takes the weight away from the top of your head, stellar sound quality and a sensible control layout on the headset itself. We always miss the chat/game mix scroll wheel when we use other headsets, and in a game like Fortnite where hitting the right volume balance between the two is paramount, that handy feature becomes an essential addition.

A massive 24-hour battery life ensures those annoying beeps don’t kick in until well after you’ve ignored the advice of every medical professional about play session duration. The fit can loosen over time—and we mean months here, not days—but thankfully new headbands and earcup covers of different designs are available from Steelseries, so you can freshen up the Arctic’s look as well as revitalize its fit when the time comes.


Logitech G Pro
A no-frills workhorse designed for esports

No fuss, just functionality light and comfortable audio lacks HyperX-style punch unusual fit
The G Pro is the fruit of Logitech working with esports pros to produce no-frills, high-performance peripherals. That’ll explain the absence of RGB lights, then. It’s also brilliantly suited to a game like Fortnite whose demands are specific: great mic, great positional audio, no extraneous controls or features to accidentally hit mid-game.

The earpads are bigger and squarer than anything else we’ve tested lately, which makes for great breathability, particularly using the microsuede earpads (leatherette pads are also supplied). It does give them a different feel while you’re wearing them though, one that’s not necessarily preferable to more snug fits like the Kingston HyperX Cloud Alpha. While its soundscape might not be as beefy as the Alphas, that doesn’t matter nearly as much in the context of a battle royale headset as it does an all-purpose set of cans. In short: you’ll hear everything you need to in killer detail, from the furtive building and sneaky pursuers’ footsteps to marauding ATKs about to turn you into a pancake.