TERA Guide: Make Money With Production Points

Although Crafting and gathering are very boring and requires some knowledge about market economics, players cannot ignore the benefits it brings to you. So it is very friendly for the patient player! I will show you the way of crafting money making that can be done with all professions. Essentially, this section will be useful to you even if you are level 1.

Firstly, we all know that crafting and gathering rely on production points. These are points that are account-shared and replenish over time. It is highly recommended to keep them under this cap as to not waste potential points which are, of course, potential earnings. Currently, there are two nonprofessional ways to make money with production points.

  • Gathering raw materials
  • Refining raw materials

Gathering raw materials is a simple but tedious process. One must go around the open world maps looking for material nodes. These range from plants, to essences, to ores. But you probably already know that. Not all raw materials are worth the same, in fact, many are completely worthless. There are, however, a few raw materials that fetch a high price on the trade broker.

Firstly, there is pure cobala ore, this sells for an average of 13g a piece and is the rare form of cobala ore. The best place to gather ore nodes for this is the Delvias Front in Arx Umbra. It is advised to clean the area out for ore nodes, then change channels. On average, 1000 production points nets 35 pure cobala ore. That is 2k gold if one spent all 4000 production points.

Secondly, there are fine pilka fibers, these sell for an average of 20g and is, again, a rare form of pilka fibers. The best place to gather plant nodes for this is Nerine Trough in Spring Valley. On average, 1000 points of gathering nets me 30 fine pilka fibers. That is 2.4k gold if one spent all 4000 production points.

There are, of course, other gains alongside gathering for these materials. Pilka fibers, cobala ores, and the scarabs that come with them are all worth gold. So gathering can be extremely fruitful even without a large number of rare raw materials.

Refining raw materials are usually very profession centric. Alchemists benefit the most from bulk, etchers benefit the most from luck/critical chance, and weapon and armorers gain the most consistent gold selling oils.

Currently, the best non-professional refining comes from turning inferno ores to inferno metals. Each Inferno metal costs 3 inferno ores to create. The inferno ores cost an average of 100g in the trade broker. The inferno metals cost about 350g, that is a minimum of 50g in terms of profit.

If however, the player crits or gets lucky with refinement, the amount of inferno metals triple. Thus granting a 750g profit per crit. The downside to this, however, is the immense production point cost of refining the ores. Each Inferno metal will cost a whopping 150 production points. In addition, the chances of crit are very low (around 10%). This strategy is good for the lucky and lazy (who don’t want to gather).

Although the Inferno metal has a high-profit margin, it is not the main effective way to consume production points. So you need to spend more time, then you will collect more money. In short, no matter what you do, don’t waste production points. Elite players should note that every day they get a free Crafter’s Cure item. This provides free 1000 production points upon use.

Warmane: The Fastest Way To Making Gold

If you haven’t done the quests in Netherstorm or Shadow Moon Valley, I suggest going there. The quests will give gold and items to sell/disenchant and you will also get pretty much random drops. If you also need the quests for gear/attunements, it’s even better.

Image result for warmane

If you’re done on that, there are the classic ways – Mining, Herbalism, Skinning, Fishing or the farm of a specific item, Primal Fire / Air etc. If you really want to go be a gold farming machine … get a 280% mount with Mining/Herbalism and get the gatherer addon. It will mark the map where u found resources. If you have collected enough data you can fly around quickly and get tons of resources. This, however, takes some time to achieve.

If you are a mage (Prot paladin and warlock can work too) you can run lower level dungeons to farm greys/greens/cloth and stuff. A good example here is Zul’Farrak … you can nearly pull the entire dungeon while mounted, bring them together and just bomb them down. Tons of grey items, some greens, much mage weave cloth and other shit to sell. Be careful with the hexing mobs though and remind that the mobs still do some damage, even to a full epic prot pala.

I skilled enchanting and did most of the quests in Outland after reaching 300. Netherstorm and SMV are the normal modes, the rest is easy, and each quest with an item as the reward will be worth at least 10 gold extra (Arcane Dust etc). Its also a good way to boost your rep with a lot of factions, and the lower level quests give roughly 8-12 gold each. Some chains are also mandatory to do once you start raiding (Cipher of Damnation etc.)

Got Epic Flying after doing this, so it’s effective. It sounds like a tedious grind, but the quests in Outland are fairly simple, and usually takes between 5 and 15 minutes each. Other than that, skill fishing and cooking, camp Wailing Caverns for a couple of hours, and start making Savory Deviate Delight. I flipped it on AH a couple of weeks a go and made hundreds of gold.

Other than these, I suppose the general gathering professions are a steady income to have: Khorium and the high-level herbs are worth quite a lot, and just collecting stuff while you’re traveling keeps the gold flowing.

Warmane – The Best Farming Spots

I’m going to show you the best place to farm and Northrend. When you farm, I suggest that you should have a decent amount of empty bag space be repaired have potions PVP gear.

The first place I’ll be farming is the frost flow cave and northeast storm peaks. These mobs drop crystallized fires greens and vendor trash. All classes should have an easy time farming. With any type of gear, be sure to pull what you can handle the worst thing. They do is charge and stun if you lack decent gear or skill try killing less at a time. Sometimes while farming you’ll notice a Badr, this cave seems to have a lot of them since most people don’t even know it exists looks like. This bata sucks at programming, though you can’t even manage to get up the ramp and was pretty much stuck the entire time.

At least, this gave me some entertainment. Anyway, back to the main point one of the best things about this cave is the mob, respawn times are awesome and even with two people farming the cave, you aren’t likely to run out of mobs. I’ll go to the cauldron of flames in southeast winter grass. It’s important that your faction holds the zone or you won’t be able to get the best farming mobs as with the last farming spot. These mobs drop crystallized fires greens and vendor trash.

All classes should have an easy time farming these, with any type of gear, just be sure to pull what you can handle, even with a full respawn. It doesn’t take long to clear everything out to help with the downtime. I usually switch over to killing tempest revenants that drop crystallized heirs greens and vendor trash and then I head back and continue clearing out the cauldron area.

If the price of eternal life is high enough, I usually head to the southwest, the wintergrasp and farm those instead of eternal errors between waiting on flavor revenant responds. It’s a long way to travel and nerf your farming both for our ratio if they are cheap on your server. All in all, wintergrasp is an easy and great place to farm.

Icecrown, this farming spot is a bit different, as no solid items like crystallized fires drop. These mobs instead draw money greens vendor trash and frost weave cloth. What’s really nice about them is you won’t have to worry about respawns. There are plenty of mobs around even with three or four people doing dailies or farming them they’re also clumped up and you can pull multiple packs of mobs fairly easily. All classes should have an easy time farming these with any type of gear and a fair amount of skill, be sure to pull what you can handle. I find this place to be one of the most enjoyable places to farm as well the scenery and mobs are a lot more interesting than flame blobs.

Finally, the last place, I’ll hit up his foreign anvil and east storm piece. With the first two farming spots, these mobs drop crystallized fires greens and vendor trash. While the upside to this place is the amazingly fast respawn times. You’re likely to run into the opposing faction more, so many of the other farming zones I mentioned even though this is a really small area. Because of those fast respawn, you can pretty much stay to one side and avoid any confrontation.

Non-stop farming you can buy your epic flyer or whatever else you might need. All the farming spots were fairly the same. Farming doesn’t have this stuff while you’re waiting on WG to begin your icy ride to start. We’re waiting for friends to log on a farm the areas nearby, so there you have it for great farming spots. Looking for a way to get some extra gold, just remember wherever you choose to farm, have fun while doing it pull too many mobs. You have to do it and always enjoy what you’re doing. I hope this guide is helpful to all the while players out there and find more fun in the world of Warcraft.

The Reason Why TERA Is Worth Playing

Is TERA worth playing in 2018? The answer is – YES! Why it’s worth playing? So Tera, as you may or may not know, was originally a pay-to-play and war RPG and it only became a free-to-play title in 2013 which is – no doubt one of the reasons why Tera looks and feels like a high-quality and wore PG then other ammo RPGs that started off as free – playing. Tera is an open-ish action, because whilst there are no loading screens between zones and regions, you can’t fly on top or on things that are designed to be unreachable.

I felt it still worth mentioning as it’s not a permanent flight. Harris characters and Harris combat is often referenced as a way to describe what other and more PG should strive to be like his combat is varying classes to keep Tera of fresh. It’s no wonder Tera has managed to stay around, even after all these years, anyway let’s jump right into what Tera does right and whether or not it’s worth playing for you right now.

While Tera has gorgeous graphics and character models. The character creation is more limited than in other popular MMORPG, this doesn’t necessarily mean terrorist customization is bad. By any means, however, it is worth pointing out as you can’t alter your character’s physique or height in the character creation, but I’ll go back to that in a moment.

The character creation as soon as you enter the character creator, you’ll need to pick a class or race and Tera has a ton of both races and classes, some of which are gender locked. All of the original classes don’t have any gender restrictions, however, those classes being Warrior, Slayer, Berserker, Lancer, Archer, Mystic, Priest and of course sorcerer. So whilst the never classes are gender locks, you still have a large variety of classes to choose without restriction.

Now the actual creation of your character is pretty simple. You pick between ten faced presets with, each preset having its own set of adornments which are like makeup beards tattoos like. Once you’ve picked up what you like most, you can use the sliders to further edit your character space and before moving on to the naming of your character, you have the option to preview higher the outfits for your respective class. Generally, regarding the character customization, Tera has a great character creator as you can make unique characters and gorgeous characters.

Each class has their own unique play styles and armor types for instance. The Berserker class which uses heavy armor and is the strongest or at least one of the strongest classes in Tera is actually quite forward fighting, then save the ninja or warrior which could mean that they could do more general DPS to faster bosses and they can keep up with it, however, they could instead do worse against slower bosses and the circus skills would hit more easily due to the boss being.

If you actually want to be good at your chosen class or do good in race and PvP, you’ll need to click more than just spacebar. The skills in Tera can also be altered to your liking, as each skill has around two to four types of upgrades. These upgrades can do anything from making a certain skill cost less energy or mana to increasing damage is done or stun duration Princeton.

Tera has a good amount of things to do. Once you’ve reached the max level after hitting. Some of these dungeons can be played in hard mode, however, you’ll need to grind dungeons constantly to get good enough gear to fully enjoy it. But running dungeons over and over isn’t the only thing you could do at endgame. You can also gather gear from participating in PvP content by finding in battlegrounds. If you are interested in Tera, be sure to play it. It really is worth playing. In contact with Tera, you will find that there are many interesting things to do here.

Use The Trade Broker To Earn Tera Gold Easily

The Brokerage is a global trade system, much like an auction house in many other popular MMOs. It can be accessed through an NPC in any town entitled Trade Broker. Using the Brokerage, players can buy and sell at any given time, even while the seller is offline. How to use trade broker?

You sell something. Talk to Broker – View brokerage. Broker interface pops up with your inventory. Click on Your listings tab. Here are the items that you are offering to sell. Right-click any item that isn’t grayed out and enter the price. If the price is 1 copper it means no one else is selling that given item. Otherwise, it’ll automatically use the lowest price which others are using. Once your item has been sold, the gold you can get from the transaction won’t be placed in your inventory automatically. You have to talk to the NPC again, check the “Brokered sales” tab and collect your money.

If someone “offers” you then you will see a notification in your chat along with a sound effect (assuming you didn’t touch chat options). There you will see your price and the amount of gold they offer. If the numbers don’t match then it means they are trying to buy it for less (or more?). You can either accept or reject this offer. If you accept the offer, a new window will pop up with the item. In this window, they can still alter the price of an item. So make sure they won’t change the amount of gold they are offering! Once the other player offered the gold and you are happy with it, accept the deal and you can collect your Tera gold.

You buy something. The first tab is Search item and that’s where you want to be for now. You either have to type something in the top right corner to search or you can browse the categories in the left side. Let’s assume you’re a DPS that uses leather armor. Left click on “Armor by material”, select “Leather” and just press Search. It will list all Leather type armor between level 1 and 65. You can be more specific by setting the minimum and maximum levels at the top left corner.

In the top middle, you can also set the Rarity so it won’t show white (weakest) items. But you can’t just search for EVERYTHING in the broker because it will give the following error message: “The search parameters are too broad.” Once you see something you like you can either “Offer” on it or “Buy now” which is the instant buyout option.

If you “offer” then you can set a new price for an item if you would like to try to buy it cheaper. Default price shown is the original one. Once you set how many golds you would like to buy it for (can’t be less than half the original price) then it’s up to the other player to either accept or reject. If they accept your trade offer, you have to confirm your price. If the other player confirms too, you successfully bought something! Collect the items in the Brokered purchases tab.

Useful information:
If you put something in the broker for sale, you have to pay fees. This is 5% of the item’s price. So if you would like to sell something for 100 gold, you have to pay an extra 5 gold to list it. This gold will just vanish, no one will receive it. Tera Club members have no listing fees which means they offer items in the broker for free.

If you buy something using the “Buy now” option, you have to pay a fee again. This is 15% of the original price. So if you see something that is worth 100 gold and you wish to buy it right away, you have to pay 115 gold for it. The seller won’t receive the extra gold. Tera club members will also pay these fees but only 5%.

If you use the “Offer” function to buy something, you can negate this 15% fee. Use this whenever you can to save gold. You can also use the trade chat (/t) to advertise WTS (want-to-sell) or WTB (want-to-buy) offers. If someone whispers you, you two have to meet up and trade with each other. This method will have no fees whatsoever.